After Dark by Haruki Murakami

This book is mind bothering. Endings for books resolve all of our curiosity, or shuts

out our hope for any happy ending. This book continues on after the last page. But

there is a way to resolve our curiosity.

after_dark.largeWe encounter many people in life and not know how their life is unfolding. The novel

has that going on. The book will make you mad after you finish it because you won’t

know what will happen to a character you were reading for 50 pages. The only

character you need to think about is Mari. Even though the book talks in a 3rd

point of view, you must think you’re Mari and think how shes feeling while all of this is

going on.


The main conflict in this story is Mari not getting a long with her only

sister Eri. Mari saw a resemblance of Eri in the innocent, and helpless Chinese

prostitute girl. Takahashi told Mari that Eri desires to get a long with Mari again. Mari

found out that even the strongest people in the world like Kaoru will have a very hard

time getting a long with people. Out of all what happened over the night, after dark

Mari finds a strong desire to get back with her sister Eri again. Mari also finds out the

moment when they were the closest with each other. Mari starts this process of

unification by hugging Eri extra tight as the dark fades away.