I grew up listening to Offspring, Green Day, Rancid, and etc. But I never knew how all of this PUNK movement started. This is why I decided to buy this book.

Please Kill Me (the uncensored oral history of Punk)


IMG_0352Overall, I’m disappointed in PUNK. But I’m satisfied. The PUNK I know is all about

giving the finger to the BIG MAN. You know you can’t beat the BIG MAN, but you

want to do something about those pigs who rip you off. So that started PUNK! I hate

how you are doing things, and I know anything I do won’t change a thing, but this is

how I feel and the only way I know how to express my anger at you.


The musicians who first started this sort of movement, The Velvet Underground, was

well tutored by the famous Andy Warhol. After the first generation of pioneers, things

just got bad. Punk stars became junkies and useless. The movement started to be an

act of self destruction. England saw this act of self destruction and magnified this to a

new level of Chaos, and it died.


Danny Fields: “…this punk thing wasn’t viable. That they were meant to self-destruct

and so what’s the point in investing in any of them? Why build an audience for the

Ramones or the Pistols or the Clash? Why institutionalize them if they’re just

going to be destroyed, if it’s their nature to destroy others and to destroy


Legs McNeil: “Now that it was here, I didn’t want any part of it. Overnight, punk had

become as stupid as everything else. Punk wasn’t ours anymore. It had become

everything we hated.”


POWER ANGER DIY were the things good about PUNK. Let’s leave it at that.

On The Daily Beast and Associated Press


The Senate voted on the Federal-Hate Crime to cover physical attacks on gender,

sexual orientation, gender identity, or disabilities. Does anyone have a problem with

this? Apparently 28 Republican Senators do!


The amendment to the S.909 bill was passed with a vote of 63-28. To me this is very

shocking. If we are talking about gay-marriage rights, the numbers look reasonable.

But for a hate crime? How insensitive are you to the gay community? 5 Republicans

voted for this bill. If you disagree on trying to prevent people from attacking other

people just because they are different, the 28 Republicans must have a very strong

support group for their campaign.


As always there is a defending argument for voting NO to this bill.

The Christian Coalition of America stated, “The bill could potentially imperil the free

speech rights of Christians who choose to speak out against homosexuality — which

could even be extended to preaching against it,” from AP.

godhatesfagsTo me this seems like a murderer stating, “What’s wrong with killing? Just let me do

what I want to do.” Of course the only difference between that murderer and The

Christian Coalition of America is that they got GOD on their side. Don’t you have other

groups to hate? Gays might seem disgusting to you, but so does the Old Testament.


Dear Christian Coalition of America:

Gays are one of the most hated group in America today. As followers of Jesus’ teaching,

I believe we all need to protect those who are in danger from radical activists. The

S.909 bill will not stop these actions, but will help prevent these crimes from

happening. I believe in the message of love your neighbor, and that’s why I’m in

support of this bill. Even if you think gays are God’s plague, I hope you have a space

in your heart to remember the message of love your enemy. It may be a far stretch

for the coalition to be in favor of this bill, but is there any chance that the coalition

could withdraw their opposition?


This news shows great development in human rights movement.

However, it ends with a bitter taste.